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My Damn Emails…

Why quitting weed is so boring…

Why quitting weed is so boring…

Back when I was struggling to quit weed (over a decade ago), I discovered a problem facing millions: The available help was super boring, and even less helpful. As you know, I usually bully Narcotics Anonymous. But, although I reckon the advice NA is giving sucks (and hanging around people with the same addiction doesn’t solve a damn thing), I…

Everyone has this problem

Everyone has this problem

After 15,000 people, I still get people thinking about joining the Quit Weed Program, emailing me trying to explain how they are a “different case” or somehow “worse” than everyone else. Case in point, an email reply from Liz: — “Hi, Im sitting on the couch in the middle of the night thinking about your program. I read all the…

The Elephant in the room

The Elephant in the room

Let’s talk about my “controversial” last email: I just finished replying to everyone who replied to that email. And, out of 250+ replies, I got one single piece of hate mail. ONE. It wasn’t even that bad. For your viewing pleasure, here is the ONE single negative reply I received: — “Dude, you just lost your entire brand in one…

Twitter VS Threads

Twitter VS Threads

If’n ya didn’t know: Zuckerberg released a new app to compete with Twitter. And, although this isn’t a big deal… …people are making it a big deal: It seems we humans STILL divide into tribes who seek battle over dumb crap. It ain’t like we are defending important stuff from real threats here… we are defending weird ideology from invisible…