Ex-Drug Dealers Mindset Helps Thousands Quit Dumb Shit & Get Shit Done
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My Damn Emails…

The unusual benefit of drowning rats
So I was adding some training to our next Evolve letter, when I came across some ratty research that ties in perfectly with the same advice I’ve been giving to both addicted clients and business clients for decades: You need validation BEFORE you achieve your desired results. Here’s the study: In the 1950s, some university nut named Curt Richter dropped…

Stomach pains when you quit weed?
Quick question from Lisa about stomach pains when you quit weed: I’m loving your program. I’m into my third day without smoking weed. I got a little help with that because I got a bad flu and I’m just laying in bed feeling sick. I want to use this opportunity though to quit all together. The only thing I have…

Mike Tyson’s $20M Lesson on Legacy…
On Thursday, Mike Tyson said this… “Legacy? That’s just ego. We’re dust. Who cares?” Many events have shaped Mike Tyson’s mindset: You could point to the prison he came from as a poor teenager. It could be the $400M+ he made as heavyweight world champion (by age 20) or it could be that he declared bankruptcy after that, or maybe…

How Albert Einstein slept his way to success
Einstein is probably the greatest example of “Unthinking”. The only reason everyone reading this email knows about old mate Albert Einstein, is because he waded through a ton of crap to discover a complex concept, and explain it in just a few characters: E=MC2 We all know this equation looks simple, but we also know that nobody else could come…

Why People Are Such Sad Sacks
Last week, yours hideously called out some bro in Bali. Here he was, selling untested & unproven 5G “protective clothing” during a livestream that made him money—all backed by exactly zero scientific evidence. Most emails I send get a wave of replies, sometimes from folk who agree or disagree with whatever I rant about, which is normal, so I don’t…

When The Cure Is the Problem
So I get this email from Lisa the other day and we’ve been in contact since. Lisa used weed daily for 15 years, thinking it helped her stomach and breathing issues. But after quitting weed she realized that what she thought was a cure was actually the cause. She quit weed completely and her symptoms are gone. Untrue beliefs can…

Make it stupid easy, but do it daily…
Many moons ago in Bali, I watched some guy I knew well, selling his weird “5G protective clothing” during a Fakebook livestream. Tin foil hats and all… And although his products didn’t work, his livestreams ran daily. Bro was making out like a bandit! As I sat there staring at my laptop, I could see his sales rolling in. His…

Quit Weed Live
Over in our Quit Weed Facebook Group (which is at around 7.5k members now), I’ve seen a bunch of people trying to kick off WhatsApp or Messenger groups, which usually go up in smoke… Others are hunting for sponsors and coaches… Dumb ideas… Think about it. Imagine random strangers conversing over a random topic at random times from all over…

The Cure For The Hungry Ghost
Hungry Ghosts are unfortunate beings with narrow necks, tiny mouths, and a fat belly. Their awkward body guarantees a life of torment, because it is impossible to satisfy their own hunger… It was Buddhists who came up with the idea of Hungry Ghosts. But in our own weird way, I reckon we are all Hungry Ghosts. Most normal people (normies)…

Why quitting weed is so boring…
Back when I was struggling to quit weed (over a decade ago), I discovered a problem facing millions: The available help was super boring, and even less helpful. As you know, I usually bully Narcotics Anonymous. But, although I reckon the advice NA is giving sucks (and hanging around people with the same addiction doesn’t solve a damn thing), I…

Weed Dealer To Weed Healer
My latest & greatest (demonetized) Youtube video was inspired by subscriber Raina, who asked me to be on her podcast. We yap about the myth of weed addiction & why to quit or at least try 30 days without weed. Here’s the video:

VIDEO: Taking care of your Maslow’s
We’ve talked about Maslow’s many times in the past. So I made a video. Here’s the video: Keep Reality Real, Tristan Weatherburn

Return of My Racist Program… Email Eskimo! Now with 80% More Stereotypes!
This unlikely event was sparked (ironically) because of an email reply from long-time subscriber, Luke: — Hey Tristian, I’ve been a subscriber for quite a while and actually bought your quid weed program several years ago. You gave me advice and I actually now have my own course business, teaching EDM producers how to mix and master their music. It’s…

Unique Snowflakes Don’t Exist
After 20,000 people, I still get people thinking about joining the Quit Weed Program, emailing me trying to explain how they are a “different case” or somehow “worse” than everyone else. Case in point, an email reply from Liz: — “Hi, Im sitting on the couch in the middle of the night thinking about your program. I read all the…

VIDEO: Matthew Perry’s view of addiction
We all know Matthew Perry tragically died last week. We also know the star of Friends suffered from addiction his entire adult life. Obviously, I respect Matthew’s passing and will only focus on his view of addiction here, because this is as a man who attended over 6,000 AA meetings (an organization that has always taught the polar opposite of…

The Elephant in the room
Let’s talk about my “controversial” last email: I just finished replying to everyone who replied to that email. And, out of 250+ replies, I got one single piece of hate mail. ONE. It wasn’t even that bad. For your viewing pleasure, here is the ONE single negative reply I received: — “Dude, you just lost your entire brand in one…

I’m so high in Thailand (need your help)
The rumors be true: I was missing in Thailand for a month! Yeah. Yours truly & unruly was higher than Snoop Dogg on a ladder for the first time in years (which is legal in Thailand btw) and that’s not a bad thing. If you’ve been through my quit weed program then you know: I’ve never had a problem with…

Twitter VS Threads
If’n ya didn’t know: Zuckerberg released a new app to compete with Twitter. And, although this isn’t a big deal… …people are making it a big deal: It seems we humans STILL divide into tribes who seek battle over dumb crap. It ain’t like we are defending important stuff from real threats here… we are defending weird ideology from invisible…

Why Cats Freak Out Over Dumb Shit
Y’all ever noticed cats lose their shit all the time? They always be freakin’ out over nothing man. Reminds me of my ex… Like if a lamp falls in a room 3 doors down they will pretend the world is ending and ambulance around the room. Their panic is so intense they’ll probably break more lamps on the way… They…

You Are Not Your DAMN Addiction
Whatever your addiction, the addiction is never to blame: These things exist in the world you spawned into, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it. The trick is to stop identifying with them: You are not a stoner. You’ve just been high a lot lately. You are not an alcoholic. You’ve just been drinking a lot…

How your phone changed your brain
This topic is overdue: The fastest growing addiction today is your phone. We are almost all addicted. We live in a time when people can’t even take a dump without using their phone — but that’s just the beginning. Social media platforms are now stuffing their algorithms with more advanced A.I in some sick evolutionary arms race to soak up…

From Stoner On The Couch To Million Dollar Brand
A shit ton of my clients are now millionaires. So much so, that many have suggested changing my brand to something like “millionare-maker”, but it all seems kinda cheesy to me. Obviously, I still take credit from all sides, whether I deserve it or not. Plus, almost all my clients are all still with me, so I assume I have…

How Albert Einstein Did Dopamine Detox
This January I moved to the jungle to do something called “Einsteining”. I explain in this video: Einsteining is when you do what Einstein did: You focus on one problem until you figure it out. Your desk gets messy. Your hair gets gross. You allow your whole life to go to crap temporarily while you build a business, or a…

Using Your Mission To Quit An Addiction
If you have a mission in life, then quitting an addiction becomes easier. I mentioned it in my “Becoming The Villain” email. Recently, yours grumbly (with subscriber & gangster rapper “Nickname”) made a video about it. You can watch it on Youtube: Keep Reality Real, Tristan Weatherburnhttps://tristanweatherburn.com