I have gathered the information on this page from 100s of people who have both quit weed using my Quit Weed Program and have also sent me their journal entires. It isn’t the same for everyone (obviously) and can happen faster / slower for each person.
Originally, these emails were sent to my quit weed email list over three days and I have just copied and pasted the first three days here. They will give you an idea of what funky shit goes down when you first quit weed.
Here’s what to expect:
Day One
Welcome to your “quitting date”.
For most, before bed is the only challenge.
So if you don’t do anything physical all day then you might have trouble sleeping. There are zero physical withdrawals holding you back just yet – only a psychological feeling or a “need to smoke weed” purely based on your daily habits that most people find easy to overcome for just one evening.
You also might not eat as much.
Weed puts your metabolism into overdrive and for heavy smokers, just a few hours without smoking pot can slow down your metabolism and mess with your hunger pains, but most people don’t notice this as a problem on day one.
Like I said, day one isn’t the problem for most people.
But from here, it gets more complicated. So I’m going to expand on this over the next few days and probably end up adding it as a bonus to the Quit Weed Program when I summarize a full 30 days or so.
I’d be grateful if you could help me with feedback of your own personal experience. At what point do you think quitting weed stops getting harder and starts getting easier? What was the hardest day for you? Why? What did you notice most?
I already have my own answers ready to go, but I’m interested to hear the general consensus from you guys in case I missed anything important.
Feel free to reply to this email or slide into my DMs on Instagram.
Keep Reality Real,
Tristan Weatherburn
Day Two
Tomorrow is the last email I send in this series, so if you have any more feedback for me then today is the day to send it. Thanks to everyone that already has, even though some of you said that the hardest day is day one.
Silly rabbits…
Day one is easy mate:
Pick a day that you are busy.
Like, busy the whole day.
That’s day one.
You’ve had a busy day without smoking weed before, so this isn’t a major deal. If it is, time to change up your lifestyle. Drive to another city. Go to the beach. Go rock climbing (I’ve been doing that a bit lately in Bali) or whatever.
The next day you actually begin, on day two…
…which is what this email is about.
Day two is the day many people head home from work (or wherever) promising themselves that they will not smoke weed – but then they end up with a bud in one hand and a pair of scissors in the other.
Psychological habit is strong on day 2, for daily smokers.
Plus, physical symptoms have just started to kick your ass.
So, this is the day it is most important to analyze how you feel.
Don’t fight it, just sit with the feeling.
What is going on?
What are trying to numb?
Go deep, my little ex stoner…
The chemicals affecting your brain are not the same. You have less dopamine and more adrenalin so you don’t feel like yourself. You’re probably a bit anxious (not nervous) which means you have a tiny itching to “fix” an unwanted feeling, that you cannot explain.
It isn’t a strong feeling, but it is always there…
Time to learn a new skill
This feeling is your body doing what it needs to do in order to change permanently. Individual cravings (the times that give you a natural reaction to chop up some weed) last less than 5 minutes – usually 3 or 4.
Wait ‘em out.
If you want to learn self-control (the most powerful skill on the planet) then you MUST go through this stage, because this is your body learning to chill out without relying on a foreign substance. I know it sucks but learning to sit with this feeling is the is the beginning of you learning self-control.
Seems like an important skill to develop… right?
Couple problems:
Emotions are back
…like a bitch, kicking you right in the heart. People who smoke weed daily for decades will cry like babies or smile like idiots when they first quit weed. You don’t know what you are so emotional about.
You just are.
It’s normal – to be expected – and kind of cool if you think about it. I mean it sucks having strong emotions, sure. But this too shall pass. Just your body figuring out how to be normal again.
Sleeping is a nightmare
The first night you possibly didn’t get the best sleep.
So now you are tired but you still can’t sleep normally, psychologically. Physically, you might wake up in a cold disgusting sweat. Yeah, maybe change the sheets and apologize to your better half. Explain that your body is naturally detoxing ganja stuck inside fat cells of your body. Tell your sexy friend that the guy on the internet said it will only last a few days and then it will be over forever.
That’s all for now.
This will be a massively expanded when it goes into The Complete Guide but I don’t want to send you an email with like 1000 words. Thanks again for all the feedback, feel free to send more if you think of anything by replying to this email or just DM my IG.
Last email in this mini-series is tomorrow (day 3)…
…and I’ll include a few solutions for all of this.
Keep Reality Real,
Tristan Weatherburn
Day Three
Last day in my mini-series, because day 3 is your first milestone.
After that, you have something to lose (3 days sober) which means you are less likely to screw it up. Most of you agreed – first 3 days are the hardest.
So when you first quit weed, don’t thinking about quitting forever. That‘s scary and sucks to think about. Just think about quitting for 3 days.
Like a tolerance break.
That’s it.
After that, extend your goal to just 1 week. I mean, you’ve already done 3 days so 4 more doesn’t seem so much.
Next, 2 weeks. Again, you’ve already done a week so just do it again.
Keep tricking your brain with this pattern until you hit 30 days.
After 30 days, you can smoke weed if you want – but you probably won’t want to. You’ll be a completely different creature (not controlled by urges and cravings of daily dopamine hits) so you’ll have clarity and think more clearly.
Day 3 people report a lot of shit going on:
A Painful Brainful
Not everyone reports this (same with everything else here) but it is the most common withdrawal symptom of quitting weed.
Night sweats
This will happen on day 3, if they haven’t started yet. They can last anywhere from 3 to 30 days in general, with most people saying they last less than a week. Many also talk about hand sweatiness and general stinkiness – enough to warrant a second shower. This is your body’s most effective way to naturally detox, so stay thankful and just be prepared to stink a bit.
Crumply Tummy
Super common. Your natural feeling of hunger isn’t so natural or regular yet. Your body is adjusting to a new metabolism and it isn’t a comfortable process.
Phlegm. Disgusting. This is your body’s most powerful method to remove tar from your lungs (yes, there is tar in weed) out of your body. Some people report disgusting black tar-like wads of crap – others not so much. It’s really gross. Just make sure it comes out and probably don’t talk about it much.
You are still emotional about stupid stuff that usually wouldn’t bother you. You might be happy or sad, but more people talk about being sad or crying for no reason.
This too shall pass.
There is one thing you can do that will fix all of this – instantly
Exercise will fix 90% of your problems. Play ball. Hit the gym. Run. Walk. Have sex. Whatever. I don’t care but make it something you enjoy that takes your breath away, tires your muscles, and gets your heart pumping.
To keep it simple:
Guys, do 2-500 push ups every day (or however many).
Girls, do 2-500 squats every day (or however many).
I know you don’t feel like it, but have you not figured out the secret yet? How you feel has nothing to do with what you want. It hardly matters now. Exercise solves every single symptom of quitting weed, including how you feel, and right now is a great time to add a new habit.
Can’t sleep?
Exercise makes you tired.
Can’t eat?
Exercise makes you hungry.
Worried about sweating at night?
You already have if you exercised.
Lacking dopamine?
Exercise fills it up so you’re happy.
Too emotional?
Exercise keeps your emotions in check.
Plus, your breathing will be much smoother, fuller, and that will give you another benefit that smoking weed would instantly take away. You are not focused on killing the old you. You are focused on building the new you.
That’s enough for now.
This post has now been extended into a complete 4 week timeline included with Quit Marijuana The Complete Pack that will take you all the way through to the all-important 30 day mark.
If you’re already a customer, it is already waiting for you in the members area on my website. If not go here next:
Keep Reality Real,
Tristan Weatherburn
Get monthly brain training to help you quit dumb shit, get shit done, and change the human you are being, with Evolve Already.
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