We had a livestream a few days back and I noticed in the comments that many people want to create a passive income online. Almost nobody does a damn thing about it — and that’s no exaggeration.

Here be ye stats:

90% of people online are lurkers.

These guys never comment or engage (bless ‘em) and they don’t want to.

9% casually engage.

These guys comment or like your posts, but rarely post their own. Many would like to start a YouTube channel or Podcast or write a book or blog (or whatever) but the vast majority never will.

1% of humans create ALL the content you see.

If you are in the 90% who don’t care, then these stats don’t mean much to you. But if you are in the 9% and plan to join the 1% — then you are not being the human you want to be (by definition) and likely have a bunch of lame excuses to go with it.

Here’s the top 3 excuses I hear:

1. Nobody cares what I’ve got to say!

Cool. Then say it to nobody. You have an opportunity to develop your skills without any judgy eyes.

2. I have nothing to share!

You seen TikTok bruh? 

People film themselves silently mouthing pop songs they didn’t even write… for a living! The world has become so shallow now that even a sad boob can amass a following.

3. I don’t have the time / knowledge!

Being an online creator is like anything else. You devote time and learn as you go. All these lame excuses are a mask for the real reason:

“I fear putting myself out there!”

That’s it. 

You believe people will think you are cringe. 

But so what? 

If you don’t care to be liked, they can’t touch you. Stop thinking you suck. I mean, you probably do suck — but stop thinking about it!

Embarrassment is the price of entry.

Share your shit (even if it stinks) because I can promise you the rewards are bountiful:

1. You help people

2. You have time freedom

3. You earn financial freedom

4. You demand location independence

The truth is, anyone in the world can live wherever they want (with wifi) and demand an income they deserve — as long as they help enough other people do something. With such a big reward, you’d reckon more people would do it.

But nope.


That’s it.

Apparently, 90% don’t care.

And 9% are too scared of what you might think about them.

It sucks.

So I’m doing a full-blown training about starting your own online business, simply sharing your ideas with the world — exactly the same way I’ve done for the last 10 years. 

If you’ve ever wanted to generate a passive income online, then subscribe to Evolve Already before 9am Thursday EST.

Here’s the link to subscribe:


Keep Reality Real,

Tristan Weatherburn

Get insane brain training to help you quit dumb shit, get shit done, and reliably change the human you are being, with Evolve Already.

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