A recent study (conducted by you) has finally concluded that everything you believe to be true… is in fact true!

It all happened the last time you did “your own research” about that latest hotly debated topic.

Maybe Covid

Or Trump or some shit.

First you found reports from journalists, but they all said the opposite of what you wanted to be true. Damn mainstream media! Luckily, you don’t trust those lying bastards at all, so you ignored literally everything they said.

Then you found some peer-reviewed scientific papers. Unfortunately, you couldn’t understand them, so you ignored them too…

That left you with random articles.

The weird thing was, most of them, too, had a conclusion that did not match what you wanted to be true. Things were beginning to get really weird.

Until finally, your research produced the result you were looking for…

From your favorite website “I am right dot com” you found an opinion piece from long-term power user “eatmyass69420” who had similar views to you. This is exactly what you were looking for!

Turns out, everything you believed and wanted to be true was true after all!

You knew it…

According to your research, you definitely found enough to confirm (to you, anyway) that everyone else is indeed wrong about absolutely everything…

…except for you, of course.

You are right.

You did your own research.

Keep Reality Real,

Tristan Weatherburn

Get monthly brain training to help you quit dumb shit, get shit done, and change the human you are being, with Evolve Already.

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