After 20,000 people, I still get people thinking about joining the Quit Weed Program, emailing me trying to explain how they are a “different case” or somehow “worse” than everyone else.

Case in point, an email reply from Liz:


Im sitting on the couch in the middle of the night thinking about your program. I read all the stories but I think I’m worse. I’ve smoked for the last 45 yrs, daily for the last 20 & 24/7 for the last 15yrs. I smoke every time I wake up during the night & all day long. I rarely leave my house by choice anymore. I’m a 59 yo female contemplating retirement but want to make sure I’m making the right decision & not just lazy from smoking weed.

I never really get high anymore, so I get nothing out of it but can’t stop. I’ll be strong but my mind gradually convinces me it’s ok to keep smoking the plant from nature. I don’t drink or smoke cigarettes. I’m going to take the chance & try your program. I don’t want to quit but I want to be a non smoker!

Thanks for listening if you are :)”

I’m always listening.

And, I always reply:

“Hey Liz,

Yeah, I get it… It’s pretty common for people who smoke weed to think they are “worse” or a “different case” or “too far gone”. I’m here to tell you that you aren’t, and it is never too late. The program has helped many people who have smoked for as long, or longer than you, and almost all of us smoked all day, every single day. We had a 70-year-old guy who quit recently, who had smoked since he was 18. So yeah, I trust the program will work for you, and I’m here via email if you have any questions.

You can purchase directly here:

Anyway, Liz purchased and the results will be in soon.

I bring this up because I know many people believe this crap about themselves, and it is literally never true. We all think we are unique snowflakes, but humanity is a blizzard of bullshit.

You simply aren’t worse or different to everyone else.

You can try to be. You can point at your ADHD, childhood trauma, or shitty parents all you like. But we all have problems and nobody is coming to save you. If you want change, then you need action.

I’ve seen it all…

…and my advice for pro-victims is this:

Someone in a worse situation than you, with less resources, opportunity and intelligence, has done better than you.

The chance that this is true is higher than 99.99% and even if you are the biggest loser on the planet, with the worst circumstances possibly imaginable, you are STILL better off believing it.

Keep Reality Real,

Tristan Weatherburn

Get insane brain training to help you quit dumb shit, get shit done, and reliably change the human you are being, with Evolve Already.

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