Quick question from Lisa about stomach pains when you quit weed:
I’m loving your program.
I’m into my third day without smoking weed. I got a little help with that because I got a bad flu and I’m just laying in bed feeling sick. I want to use this opportunity though to quit all together.
The only thing I have a problem with quitting is the issue you brought up in your first session about stomach problems / pain when quitting weed. The reason I smoke weed is because I have stomach pain. I’m not sure what I’ll do when I get that pain back and not be able to smoke weed because it’s so debilitating. I’m wondering if you can address how to handle that pain without weed.
Thank you so much for all of your input.
Stomach pains when quitting weed are more common than you might reckon. It’s usually withdrawal-related, and mostly due to metabolism changes.
The way some people say it is…
‘Being hungry hurts.’
Here’s how to deal with it fast:
1 Move Your Butt:
Just walking (or any low level easy stuff like that) can help a lot with building a natural hunger as opposed to straight up hunger pains. It also has the added benefit of making you tired at night, so you aren’t such an insomniac in the first week. Plus, it helps with the dreaded ‘night sweats’ of quitting weed.
2 Probiotic Power:
Some people’s stomachs act up when they quit weed due to gut acidity issues. Try probiotic foods like kimchi, pickles, sauerkraut, or miso soup (the Japanese eat the most probiotics and live longer than anyone.)
3 Make Greens Great Again:
Most of us don’t eat enough veggies.
To fix this, many folks swear by AG1 supplements… it means you can take one drink every morning, and be done with all your daily fruit and vegetable needs.
It sounds great, but the problem is… they’re pricey. What’s worse is they don’t include probiotics, and they also don’t ship to Bali, which forced me to find something that’s cheaper, tastes better, includes probiotics, and ships globally.
And, I found the perfect blend in my humble (yet correct) opinion.
You can check it out using my affiliate link yonder:
I drink this stuff (almost) daily, allowing my carnivorous-self to inhale steak and bacon for brekkie, instead of eating those fruity Instagram smoothie bowls (no offense to all the beautiful duck-lipped influencers out there, keep doing ya thaang).
Keep Reality Real,
Tristan Weatherburn
Get insane brain training to help you quit dumb shit, get shit done, and reliably change the human you are being, with Evolve Already.
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