Hungry Ghosts are unfortunate beings with narrow necks, tiny mouths, and a big fat belly. Their awkward body guarantees a life of torment, because it is impossible to satisfy their own hunger…

It was Buddhists who came up with the idea of Hungry Ghosts.

But in our own weird way, I reckon we are all Hungry Ghosts.

Most normal people (normies) fill this empty void with some kind of mission:

New Year’s Resolutions…

Bucket lists…

You see it everywhere.

Maybe you go to the gym every day, build a big business, or run for president. Sober folks are insatiable, and it seems a mission is the only traditional cure for the Hungry Ghost.

Unless you just numb everything…

And, that’s exactly what addiction does:

Weed or beer or whatever could be your attempt to numb that feeling, instead of using it to grow as a person and fuel the human you are being. The obvious problem is, getting high every day isn’t sustainable.

You don’t develop.

Your results don’t compound over time.

You start back at zero every damn day. Actually, it’s worse than that, because you build up a tolerance and need more and more just to get the same effect.

The missionless will remain Hungry Ghosts forever.

I’m going to prove why this is the case (and also how to avoid this permanent trap) in this week’s Evolve Already letter, which is a deep dive into addiction. If you have an addition to absolutely anything, the Hungry Ghost training can help you change that.

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Keep Reality Real,

Tristan Weatherburn

Get monthly brain training to help you quit dumb shit, get shit done, and change the human you are being, with Evolve Already.

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