Info Products From Scratch customer Sarah, gives me this interesting quiz:

“Yo Yo Tristan!! 🙂

I’m creating a detox course that helps people release unwanted parasites inside the human body. I want to make it like yours with audio and video but I’m also wondering, what is to stop people from buying my ebook, and just copying it to sell for themselves?”


Absolutely nothing.

One time a guy copied my sales page EXACTLY, copied my ebook EXACTLY, and started selling my program EXACTLY the same way I do – but in Spanish. This dude changed the language and called my product his own.

This idiot didn’t ask me or anything.

He just went to Clickbank Marketplace, looked up the word “marijuana” and found the book making the most sales (which happened to be mine under the name Seb Grant) then he bought my book… Copied it… And then sold it as his own.

Now that’s a parasite wannabe copycat!

(you could put him in your parasite ebook)

What happened?

His (few) customers contacted me to let me know.

I didn’t let it get to me.

Ya wanna see his RIP-OFF of my sales page?

Haha. OK.

This is my page:

This is his rip-off page:

Update: I think he deleted it lol.

Not only is this asshole breaking some copyright laws, but he is also helping my sales every day he bothers. How? Well, here’s what my foolish Spanish amigo doesn’t know…

His book sells things FOR me…

Other programs I make.

Amazon products.

Affiliate offers.

Other ebooks.

Paid consulting. His ripoff copied book even talks about becoming an affiliate for me.

The lesson for people copying your parasite ebook?

Get over it.

You only have 2 choices to deal with these parasitic worms:

  1. You can shut these guys down, by contacting the FTC (Federal Trade Commission)
  2. Or, you could just laugh at them like I do

If things do get serious, then sure, go to the FTC and shut them down faster than a snow cone melting in hell…

Otherwise, laugh and get on with life.

Real ones will come to you and ask permission to translate your program into other languages, like some guy did recently when he purchased the license rights to sell my program in French.

Let the dumber parasite wannabes give themselves a bad name, all while really promoting YOU.

Some free advice.

For the full strategy to creating ebooks, videos, and full programs that actually sell?

Go here:

Info Products From Scratch!

Keep Reality Real,

Tristan Weatherburn

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