Many moons ago in Bali, I watched some guy I knew well, selling his weird “5G protective clothing” during a Fakebook livestream.

Tin foil hats and all…

And although his products didn’t work, his livestreams ran daily.

Bro was making out like a bandit!

As I sat there staring at my laptop, I could see his sales rolling in. His performance disgusted me… I mean, I’d seen smart folk make big things happen online for years, but watching this insane fool making bank off the backs of other insane fools was a whole new level for me…

And, this was the moment everything finally clicked for me:

High performers are successful because of consistent action, not intense effort, nor intelligence.

Any idiot can have an army of idiot followers…

…as long as they continue showing up daily.

I uncovered the secret that even dimwits use to take over the world. Their secret was consistent action. Most people have it backwards, trying to mimic intense effort, without becoming the person who can do it through consistent action.

If you understand the compounding effect of consistency, then you don’t need a job. You can just create an opportunity for your-damn-self. For the same reason you don’t need an addiction, or any other dumb sh!t, because opportunity dwarfs any pleasure an addiction could provide you.

And, most importantly, literally anyone can do it…

You don’t even need to be good, apparently.

Mr “tin foil hat” already proved that!

You just need to be consistent.


On Monday 5th, I’m releasing my latest series to my Evolve Already subscribers.

The goal is to not only show you exactly how powerful consistency can be, but to actually do it yourself. You will pick ONE simple action, and follow through with it for 30 days. Achieving the goal is not the point, so make your goal stupidly simple. The point is to build the skill of consistency, which is the only skill you need if you want to change the human you are being….

I’m correctly calling this program 30 DAZE (for good reason) because you will learn this concept over 30 days… consistently (GASP!). You also gain access to 4 of my Evolve Already Letters (usually $99 each) which will be delivered weekly.

Plus, you also get access to all of my programs.

There’s more, too.

Details yonder:

Keep Reality Real,

Tristan Weastherburn

Get insane brain training to help you quit dumb shit, get shit done, and reliably change the human you are being, with Evolve Already.

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