Whatever your addiction, the addiction is never to blame:

  • Weed is not your problem
  • Alcohol is not your problem
  • Your phone is not your problem

These things exist in the world you spawned into, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it. The trick is to stop identifying with them:

You are not a stoner.

You’ve just been high a lot lately.

You are not an alcoholic.

You’ve just been drinking a lot lately.

You are not a pawn addict.

You’ve just been selling a lot of unwanted items to pawn shops lately.

Refuse to identify with the problem.

This is the main difference between my courses and other organizations like AA, MA, NA etc. They want you to bow down and surrender to an almighty addiction. While I want you to conquer your addiction, kick it while it’s down, then walk away without looking as it explodes in the background.

That being said…

The “thing” that isn’t your fault is still your responsibility to fix. Life isn’t fair and nobody claimed it was…

…but if you can stop identifying with the “thing” I’ll bet a bitcoin it’ll be easier to let go, because the single reason uninformed humans have trouble with addictions is due to ego.

Addiction doesn’t fuel your ego.

Ego fuels your addiction.

Keep Reality Real,

Tristan Weatherburn

Get insane brain training to help you quit dumb shit, get shit done, and reliably change the human you are being, with Evolve Already.

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